Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Water evaporated from trees cools global climate

“Scientists have long debated about the impact on global climate of water evaporated from vegetation. New research from Carnegie’s Global Ecology department concludes that evaporated water helps cool the earth as a whole, not just the local area of evaporation, demonstrating that evaporation of water from trees and lakes could have a cooling effect on the entire atmosphere.” –from press release Carnegie Institution.

Evaporation uses heat energy to put water vapor into the atmosphere. Water vapor is a strong greenhouse gas. Furthermore, when that water vapor condenses into rain or snow, it gives up its heat back to the atmosphere. The evaporation-condensation cycle is, however, energy neutral. The difference, apparently is that the cycle produces clouds which reflect sunlight, less energy reaches the ground. According to the Carnegie research, the net effect is one of cooling. IPCC climate models do not do well with clouds and assume a positive feedback, whereas the Carnegie research shows a negative feedback. Note that the Carnegie research is also a computer simulation. With all computer modeling, results depend on assumptions. In view of the poor record  of the IPCC climate models versus observations, it seems that the Carnegie model is closer to reality.

This is why we need to take care of trees. Stop cutting them down and plant more trees!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bad News: New way to hunt


The poachers in Zimbabue are poisoning the lakes to capture the animals and prevent the foresters. The cientifics can't determinate who venom is, but they say that this poison is a big contaminant for the plants, ground and, of course, the animals.

At least 21 animals, including nine elephants, five lions, two buffaloes and several vultures have died this year after drinking contaminated water in parks Gonarezhou, Mana Pools, Zambezi, Charara and Matusadona.

"The poachers are now using different methods and techniques that are discreet and do not raise any suspicion. Just do not realize this when the damage is done," said Washaya-Moyo.

Authorities have increased patrols in the parks, while rangers urge to carry their own drinking water in canteens to prevent the danger of drinking contaminated water

Monday, September 19, 2011

Green Music

Hello everyone, while I was surfing on the web, I found this impressive musical video. It talks about indifference of people towards environmental problems. The song is "A Beautiful Lie" by 30 Seconds To Mars.

It's good to know that music doesn't limit to comercial songs, but there are songs that talk about real problems and they take a message to anyone who listen.

There are another songs about this subject. Here they are some ones:

Linkin Park - What I've Done

Michael Jackson - Heal The World

Michael Jackson - Earth Song

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